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User Behavior and Domain Driven Acceptance Stories

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This test framework concisely and coherently brings together the concepts of User Stories, Behaviour Driven Development, and Domain Driven Design. It simply provides a means to author test steps as Personas for each Entity Command. It executes these methods targeting the application layer of choice, resulting in succinct output of test results to the console. The results are abstract and reusable behaviours that do not need to be rewritten to support other application layers and even different platform implementations.

A C# Test Framework combining


(Also available as a NuGet package)

Example console output

I want to register a new user
  So that Increase customer base
       As user
    Given Register customer
     When Confirm customer registration
     Then Login customer

Usage - Test Code

namespace TestProject
  public class MyTest : StoryFeatureBase<MyBusinessValue>
    public override string ApplicationLayer()
      return "PresentationLayer"; //could be other i.e. WebApi, possibly provided by App.Config

    public void IWantToRegisterANewUser()
      var user = new User();
      ICustomer customer = new Customer();

    public enum MyBusinessValue

namespace TestProject.Personas
  public partial class User : IPersona

namespace TestProject.Personas.PresentationLayer
  public partial class User : ICustomer
    public Customer Customer { get; set; } //injected by framework
    public void Register()
      // your test code here. i.e. selenium
      var email = Customer.Email; //i.e. For registering with app
    // other interface implementations

namespace TestProject.Personas.WebApi
  public partial class User : ICustomer
    public Customer Customer { get; set; } //injected by framework
    public void Register()
      // your test code here. i.e. rest api calls
    // other interface implementations

Usage - Production Code

public interface ICustomer {
  void Register()
  void Confirm_Registration();
  void Login();

public class Customer : ICustomer {
  public void Register() {
    // your application domain logic
  // other interface implementations